StandBy Booking


What is this, how does it work and how much does it cost?

What is this?
StandBy booking is a new service from JetCarrier™. When you book a StandBy package you choose to hold that package in the USA until futher notice. This feature is great if you intend to collect as many packages as possible, awaiting part of deliveries or unsure if your pacakges will be delivered witin the same week. Making it a great tool to cut cost pr. kilo/dm3 to a minimum.

How does it work?
Booking a StandBy package is just as simple as a normal booking. You will find an option called «StandBy» in the bookingpanel, if you click it on we will hold that package until futher notice. You may book several StandBy pacakges and you may also have StandBy packages on both AIR and SEA at the same time.

NB! the StandBy package is your only way of holding back packages on SEA freight. After this service came live we changed our transport plan and is now operating based on «what comes in, goes out». Meaning that we will send out SEA containers when they are full and not on certain dates.

How much does it cost?
Price structure AIR and SEA-packages

  • AIR StandBy:
    Running fees: 0,25 USD pr. package pr. day
    Fixed fee: 0,05 USD pr. dm3, 1 USD pr. package
  • SEA StandBy:
    Running fees: 0,10 USD pr. package pr. day
    Fixed fee: 0,05 USD pr. dm3, 1 USD pr. package

NOTE! There are som basic rules in the way we handle StandBy packages, make sure you understand how they work. Read more about this here.   Note: Example 1 and 2 is based on our pricelist pr. 1.1.2013 and may change, we encourage you to always check our latest pricelist as well.

Example 1 – SAVE 20%
You choosen to book 5 StandBy packages on AIR. 2 is coming from Amazon, 1 is coming from Backcountry and 2 is coming from Summit Racing. Your packages is arriving within a 10 day time frame. The packages have the following weight/volume:

Package 1: 12 kg, 66 dm3
Package 2: 1 kg, 3 dm3
Package 3: 8 kg, 40 dm3
Package 4: 14 kg, 42 dm3
Package 5: 2 kg, 19 dm3
Total 37 kg, 170 dm3

The following StandBy cost is calculated:
Package 1, day 1: 1 USD
+ 0,25 x 10 days = 2,5 USD
+ 0,05 x 66 dm3 = 3,3 USD
= 6,8 USD

Package 2, day 5: 1 USD
+ 0,25 x 5 days = 1,25 USD
+ 0,05 x 3 dm3 = 0,15 USD
= 2,4 USD

Package 3, day 5: 1 USD
+ 0,25 x 5 days = 1,25 USD
+ 0,05 x 40 dm3 = 2 USD
= 4,25 USD

Package 4, day 8: 1 USD
+ 0,25 x 2 days = 0,50 USD
+ 0,05 x 42 dm3 = 2,1 USD
= 3,6 USD

Package 5, day 10: 1 USD
+ 0,25 x 1 day = 0,25 USD
+ 0,05 x 19 dm3 = 0,95 USD
= 2,2 USD
Totalt 19,25 USD

On top of this you will be charged in accordance with our pricelist.
AIR freight 37 kg/266 dm3: 1352 NOK
Unitfee (45 pr. package): 180 NOK

The total charge for this Standby batch would be 1532 NOK and 19,25 USD.

If you had not used the StandBy feature, but only wished to send the packages as they came in they would end up in 2 different AIR batches. Package 1, 2 and 3 came in week 1 and package 4 and 5 came inn week 2. Then the final price would be:
Freightcost week 1: 1100 NOK
Freightcost week 2: 965 NOK
Total 2065 NOK

In this given example you would save 425 NOK when using the StandBy feature if we operate with 1 USD = 5,6 NOK. Saving you almost 20% !

Example 2 – SAVE 10%
You choosen to book 12 StandBy packages on SEA. 3 packages coming from Summit Racing, 9 packages coming from Garrys Autoparts. The packages is arriving within a 24 day time frame. The packages have the following weight/volume:

Package 1-5: 22 kg, 120 dm3 x 5
Package 6: 3 kg, 12 dm3
Package 7: 2 kg, 40 dm3
Package 8-11: 16 kg, 250 dm3 x 4
Package 12: 252 kg, 650 dm3
Totalt 431 kg, 2302 dm3

The following StandBy cost is calculated:
Package 1-5, day 1: 5 USD
+ 0,1 x 24 dager = 2,4 USD
+ 0,05 x 600 = 30 USD
= 37,9 USD

Package 6, day 5: 1 USD
+ 0,1 x 19 = 1,9 USD
+ 0,05 x 12 = 0,6 USD
= 3,5 USD

Package 7, day 8: 1 USD
+ 0,1 x 16 = 1,6 USD
+ 0,05 x 40 = 2 USD
= 4,6 USD

Package 8-11, day 14: 4 USD
+ 0,1 x 10 = 1 USD
+ 0,05 x 1000 = 50 USD
= 55 USD

Package 12, day 24: 1 USD
+ 0,25 x 1 = 0,1 USD
+ 0,05 x 650 = 32,5 USD
= 33,6 USD
Totalt 134,6 USD

On top of this you will be charged in accordance with our pricelist.
Sea freight 431 kg/2302 dm3: 4098 NOK
Unitfee (45 pr. package): 495 NOK

The total charge for this Standby batch would be 4593 NOK og 134,6 USD.

If you had not used the StandBy feature, but only wished to send the packages as they came in they would end up in 3 different SEA batches. Package 1-5 came in week 1, package 6-8 came in week 3 and package 9-12 came in week 4. Then the final price would be:
Freightcost week 1: 1755 NOK
Freightcost week 3: 999 NOK
Freightcost week 4: 3295 NOK
Totalt 6049 NOK

In this given example you would save 689 NOK when using the StandBy feature if we operate with 1 USD = 5,6 NOK. Saving you almost 10% !