Författararkiv: Chris

SEA 1370

SEA 1370 had a delayed departure; it’s currently on its way, leaving New York Harbor and out to sea.

Update: SEA 1370 is arriving to our terminal tomorrow, 10. April.

SEA 1369

SEA 1369 has finally been given a departure date of today, and its tentative ETA is Week 14.

UPDATE: The ship has been re-scheduled to arrive to Norway April 2, and probably will be processed here at our terminal April 3.

SEA 1369 has been processed and distributed. PostNord has the packages; tracking is available.

AIR 764

AIR 764 is delayed due to the severe winter weather conditions at JFK Airport.

We suspect processing of the Batch will be delayed by 2 days.

Packages were processed and shipped out on 7. March.